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MARY K. PRICE was born Mary Katherine Hyatt, April 10, 1917 to Francis and Anna Mae Hyatt in Cynthiana, Kentucky. People my age feel uncomfortable calling their parents by their given name, so I shall refer to Mary as mother. Mother and her seven siblings, one brother and six sisters, grew up with a rather harsh father, which brought her years of painful memories. At the age of sixteen she came down with typhoid fever. That same year she lost her mother, to what, she is not sure. Mother married Harry P. Price in 1938, I, H. Preston, the elder was born in 1940, my brother Richard Lee was born in 1947. In between my brother and I mother gave birth to twin girls that were only on this earth a short while, for which she grieved, from the day of her loss My brother and I grew up with some relative or other staying with us for an extended time. Our house was always open all were welcome Mother started writing poetry at the age fifty-two. She would memorize scripture to replace unwelcome memories of her youth and the lose of the twins. She said that she was walking out in the field next to our house when God gave her, her first poem. She went back to the house and wrote it down At ninety-six her memory, as one might expect, is a bit sketchy, but she thinks 'Neighbors' was her first poem. Mother said God inspired each and every poem and she gets a blessing out of rereading them. I think you will too. It has been my pleasure to, sort, type and edit mother's handwritten work. 'God's Roses' is a collection of God inspired poems by our mother Mary K. Price.

God's Roses

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